Volunteer at the Soup Kitchen

How can you help?​
Volunteers are on-site Monday - Saturday 8 AM - 1 PM and Sunday 4 PM - 5:30 PM
Have volunteering questions? Check out our frequently asked questions for volunteers!
Current Needs
Garlic Powder
Pickle relish sweet
Hamburger chips pickles
Cleaning Supplies
Dish towels
Cleaning supplies

We want to thank all that helped with the 2nd Annual Ethan Tingle Food Drive. Thank you for your time, efforts and donations in honor of this amazing young man. We also want to thank Katie O'Connell and Ellory Tingle for all the hard work and dedication to their son and brother. The Soup Kitchen loves you all!!
Help is needed at various times to:
Pick up or haul food
Sort and store food
Work in the garden
Maintain the exterior grounds
Repair plumbing, HVAC, concrete or roofing
Maintain the parking lot
Represent the Greer Soup Kitchen in your church, school, or civic organization
Make tea
Help clean up daily
Provide food
Distribute information on events
Help get donations
Help with email communications
Provide and serve the meal on Sunday afternoons
Help with publicity​
Help serve on Saturdays
Fill open slots on weekday teams
Send thank you notes
Wash dishes
Next Steps
​If you or your group would like to know more about the soup kitchen, would be interested in volunteering, or would like to be added to our database of people willing to help, please call the Greer Soup Kitchen at 864-968-0323.
Check out the list of upcoming volunteer assignments and openings on our Volunteer Schedule.